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Friday, July 29, 2005

How to build the best paper airplane in the world

"It glided like no paper airplane I have ever seen before, it was acting like a REAL airplane. It gently curved into the slight breeze and began to rise vertically without moving forward. The craft then began to lower as if it were a helicopter and gently came to rest on the asphalt below. "

read more | digg story

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


The Problem
If you're like most people, you have a few passwords that you use over and over again on many different websites. You know this isn't secure, yet you do it anyway. Why? Because it's difficult to remember a unique password for each and every web site that requires one.

Existing Solutions
Maybe you do use unique passwords, and get around the problem of remembering them by storing them in a spreadsheet or other file. Maybe you even use one of the many password managers that are available. But now you've centralized your passwords and access to them becomes difficult while at work, a friend's, or a public internet terminal. You can't get to your passwords without carrying them around or publishing them on the internet. Some people even carry a USB keychain with their passwords wherever they go. How inconvenient. And publishing them on the internet? Yikes! We need not even mention the security risks inherent with that solution. Even if you trust the company storing the passwords, you can be sure every hacker in the world is drooling over the prospect of accessing their database.

passwordmaker solves all of these issues. It is a small, lightweight, free, open-source extension for Firefox and Mozilla which creates unique, secure passwords that are very easy to retrieve. Nothing is stored anywhere, anytime, so there's nothing to be hacked, lost, or stolen.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Fun with Google

blog.outer-court.com has posted a bunch of interesting things to do with google. Here are a few:

Actors: What roles does an actor play?
Link cosmos: See backlinks to your blog from Technorati and Bloglines.
AnyRank: Find the CurseRank, GeekRank, NaughtyRank, or IntellectRank for your URL.
Neighborsearch: Searches within pages linked from a site.
Moviebot: See automated movie ratings, like for “Terminator.”
Google Mini: A small version of Google (IE-only).
Google Rotated: A rotated version of Google (IE-only).
The Google Family Tree: See relatives of any famous person.
Ageshare: In which age group do keywords like “ice cream” appear most often?
Categorizer: Automatically find a category for your keywords.
FindForward: Collects many different search tools from this blog.
Citybrowser: Find out everything about a city.
The Google Encyclopedia: Data-mining through search engines.
Domain Generator: Get a random domain name.
Google Years: Show the PageCount for the years 1000-2100.
Illusionizer: Replaces the images on any page by matching Google Images results.
Memomarker: Get the “Googlonym” for any URL or text.
PageBoost: Get only positive reviews for your URL.
Permutator: Find variations for any URL.
PersonMap: Which character traits most closely describe you or another person? The nearer an attribute is to the center, the more fitting it is.
Image Quiz: My stats tell me this is the most popular page here ever.
Quote Finder: Check if a source is original or taken from somewhere else.
Random page: Takes random words, googles them, and redirects you to the first page found.
Random Book: Grabs a random book, CD, DVD, or VHS from Amazon.
Random Ego-Googler: Find a random person on the web.
Memecodes: Darwinistic random page genes in a battle for search engine attention.
Search Grid: Truly two-dimensional search results.
Stereoscopic ASCII vision: Create one of those images you need to gaze on for a minute to see them in 3D.
Google Suggests: Find out what options Google Suggest offers.
Word Popularity Colorizer: Visualize how frequent keywords are relative to the context they appear in.
Theorybot: Random theories on the click of a button.
Egobot: Talk to the web through Egobot.
The Google Couch Potato: Infinitely stream Google Videos. The Memespread Analyzer. -->
Keyword Variations: Finds site with variants of your keyword.

How to Obscure Any URL

How to Obscure Any URL
How Spammers And Scammers Hide and Confuse

This is a great resource.




Ever go through the nightmare of changing significantly portions of your site, then having to deal with the problem of people finding their way from the old pages to the new? It can be nasty. There are different ways of redirecting pages, through http-equiv, javascript or any of the server-side languages. And then you can do it through htaccess, which is probably the most effective, considering the minimal amount of work required to do it.

htaccess uses redirect to look for any request for a specific page (or a non-specific location, though this can cause infinite loops) and if it finds that request, it forwards it to a new page you have specified:

Redirect /olddirectory/oldfile.html http://yoursite.com/newdirectory/newfile.html
Note that there are 3 parts to that, which should all be on one line : the Redirect command, the location of the file/directory you want redirected relative to the root of your site (/olddirectory/oldfile.html = yoursite.com/olddirectory/oldfile.html) and the full URL of the location you want that request sent to. Each of the 3 is separated by a single space, but all on one line. You can also redirect an entire directory by simple using Redirect /olddirectory http://yoursite.com/newdirectory/

Using this method, you can redirect any number of pages no matter what you do to your directory structure. It is the fastest method that is a global affect.

Monday, March 07, 2005

How Cool is this?

You can become a legally ordained minister, instantly, online, at this website. The Universal Life Church is totally non-denominational, interfaith and welcomes all religions. After you fill out the ordination form, you will receive a pop-up instant credential, which serves as your receipt of your ordination.

As a ULC (Universal Life Church) minister, you can officiate one wedding ceremony or you can make weddings, funerals, baptisms, house blessings, etc. your business. You can even start your own ministry. The Universal Life Church is interfaith and non-denominational.
They have, online, free training for ministers, an online, one-year seminary program, where you can receive a diploma to enhance your knowledge and your credibility, and a monk program.
While you don’t have to purchase anything from the ULC to gain the legal benefits, entitlements and respect, they do offer a wide variety of materials to assist you in your ministry and/or business.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Wayback Machine -see google as a baby

This is a great tool from archive.org. It allows you to type in a URL and see snapshots of the site at different stages of developement. Google's original homepage was only two links.

Have fun,

-Crackhead Jones

Easily Cover your tracks

Simply visit this site prior to surfing the net. Be wary of using the proxy https function, but for all other purposes, this works great.


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hiding Your IP Address & Anonymous Internet Surfing

The guys at rosinstrument have written an excellent how to guide for all of you paranoid/ deviant surfers. It's a great read.

-Crackhead Jones

How To Find MP3's with Google

-Written by my_haz (email my_haz_runs@yahoo.com with any comments)

= Index
0) Key
1) Directories
2) Xitami Servers
3) Directory Listing
4) Andromeda Servers
5) Zina Artists
6) Apache mp3 Servers
7) Individual Songs

= Section 0 - KEY
These are just some definitions I will use below.

[Directory String] can be any of the following :
1) "index of"
2) "last modified"
3) "parent of"
[file type] can be any of the following :
1) "mp3"
2) "shn"
3) "wma"

[mp3 name] can be any of the following :
1) the name of the album in quotes
2) the name of the artist in quotes
3) be daring and leave it blank and have lots of links
4) be creative!

1) -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls

(inurl:) is optional and may be omitted and in fact most beomitted if not using a search tool other than google.

(intitle:) can be used in place of (inurl:) and has a similar effectagain you must be useing google.

(-filetype:txt) adding this to the end of your search string canfilter some false positives.

(-playlist) adding this to the end of your search string canfilter some false positives.

= Section 1 - Directories
These are the most common way that mp3s are stored on the www, youshould try these strings first.

String Format :
Type 1 : [Directory String] + (inurl:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : [Directory String] + (intitle:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 3 : [Directory String] + [file type] + [mp3 name] + [limitors]

Example Strings :
- intitle:index.of + mp3 + "grandaddy" -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls
- "index of" + "mp3" + "radiohead" -html -htm -php
- "index of" + mp3 + "grandaddy"
- "index of" + inurl:mp3 + "beatles" -txt -pls
- "index of" + intitle:mp3 + beatles
- "last modified" + "shn" + "dylan"
- "last modified" + inurl:shn + "bob dylan"
- "parent of" + inurl:wma + "grandaddy"

Suggestions : - Try (intitle:index.of + "mp3" + "band name" -htm -html -php -asp) first it is usually the most effective.

= Section 2 - Xitami Servers
String Format :
Type 1 : "xitami web server" + (inurl:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : "xitami web server" + (intitle:)[file type] + [mp3 name]

Example Strings :
- "xitami web server" + "mp3" + "radiohead"
- "xitami web server" + intitle:shn + "beatles"
- "xitami web server" + inurl:mp3 + "magnetic fields"

= Section 3 - Directory Listing
String Format :
Type 1 : "directory listings" + (inurl:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : "directory listings" + (intitle:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 3 : "directory listings of" + (inurl:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 4 : "directory listings of" + (intitle:)[file type] + [mp3 name]

Example Strings
- "directory listings" + "mp3" + "radiohead"
- "directory listings" + intitle:shn + "beatles"
- "directory listings" + inurl:mp3 + "magnetic fields"
- "directory listings of" + "mp3" + "radiohead"
- "directory listings of" + intitle:shn + "beatles"
- "directory listings of" + inurl:mp3 + "magnetic fields"

= Section 4 - Andromeda Servers
String Format :
Type 1 : "scott matthews" + andromeda + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : "scott matthews" + andromeda + [file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 3 : "powered by andromeda" + [mp3 name]
Type 4 : "powered by andromeda" + [file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 5 : inurl:andromeda.php + [mp3 name]
Type 6 : inurl:anromeda.php + [file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 7 : "scott matthews"
Type 8 : "powered by andromeda"
Type 9 : inurl:andromeda.php

Examples :- "scott matthews" + andromeda + "radiohead"
- "scott matthews" + andromeda + "mp3" + "fitter"
- "powered by andromeda" + "gradaddy"
- "powered by andromeda" + "mp3" + "just like women"
- inurl:andromeda.php + "shn"
- inurl:anromeda.php + "wma" + "dylan"- "scott matthews"
- "powered by andromeda"
- inurl:andromeda.php

= Section 5 - Zina Artists
String Format :
Type 1 : "zina artists"

Examples :
- "zina artists"

= Section 6 - Apache mp3 Servers
String Format :
Type 1 : "stream all" + apache + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : "stream all" + apache
Type 3 : "shuffle all" + apache + [mp3 name]
Type 4 : "shuffle all" + apache

Examples :
- "stream all" + apache
- "stream all" "shuffle all" mp3
- "stream all" + apache + radiohead
- "shuffle all" + beatles

= Section 7 - Individual Songs
Format : [mp3 name].mp3 -playlist -filetype:txt

Examples :- "ok_computer_live.mp3" -playlist -filetype:tx
t- "*ok_computer*.mp3" -playlist -filetype:txt
- kid*a.mp3 -playlist -filetype:txt

Saturday, February 26, 2005

StartCom Free SSL Certificate Project

I am truly happy that someone is finally trying to have an open source SSL certificate. I hope these guys get some good publicity.